This sequence of three images shows the MI in context. mi.TIF is the MI frame by itself, rotated 180 degrees to better match the folowing images. The source image is 2M127523552EFF0309P2930M2M1.IMG. mi_pan.TIF is the MI frame inset into a pancam frame. The camera models were used to co-register the data and the result is in perspective projection. The pancam frame is 2P127438330EFF0309P2269L2M1.IMG. mi_pan_nav.TIF is both of the above inset into a portion of the sol-12 navcam panorama (in vertical projection). The pancam image covers part of the navcam rover because of parallax; the pancam and navcam see the scene from different points of view. Bob Deen MIPL/OPGS