Release Date: 3/24/04 Image Filename: x_pubeng_heatshield_zoombox Source Filename: ? Summary Info: Pancam image with zoombox of Bonneville crater and heatshield Submitter: Jascha Sohl-Dickstein Institution Cornell Theme Pancam Rover Spirit Sol of Observation 68 and 69 Earth Date of Obs March 12 and 13 Heatshield on the Horizon The Mars Exploration Rover Spirit acquired this panoramic camera image mosaic on sol 68, March 12, 2004. The reflective speck about 200 meters (650 feet) away, on the far crater rim was immediately a point of interest for scientists and engineers alike, and they soon were able to identify it as Spirit's protective heat shield. While the debris is too far away to make out clearly, orbital imagery of the area acquired before and after Spirit landed support scientists and engineer's conclusion. Prior to Spirit's landing, the surface at this location appeared undisturbed in orbital images, while post-landing images revealed a large gouge where the heat-shield now rests. The smaller image in the zoombox provides a closer look at the heat-shield, and was taken at a lower compression by the panoramic camera on sol 69, March 13, 2004. The lower compression results in a higher quality image. While both the full panorama and close-up are depicted in approximate true color, different filters were used in acquiring the close-up image (600 nm, 530 nm, and 480 nm), resulting in a slight color variance between it and the large mosaic (acquired using the 750 nm, 530 nm, and 480 nm filters). Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell THIS HAS BEEN APPROVED BY JIM BELL
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