Spirit Sol 77 Daily Image Caption Release Date: March 22, 2004 Image File Name: x_pubeng_mazatzal_pan.tif x_pubeng_mazatzal_pan.tif Source File Name: Summary Information: Panoramic camera image of Bonneville crater rim rock target Mazatzal acquired on sol 76 by Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. Submitter: Dave Des Morais Institution: Theme/Team/Group: Sol of Observation: 76 Earth Date of Observation: 03-21-04 A Closer Look at “Mazatzal” This black and white panoramic camera image of the rock called “Mazatzal” was taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on sol 76 March 2, 2004. It reveals some of the interesting features on this future rock abrasion tool target including variants in tone, a sugary surface texture and scalloped areas where parts of the rock seem to have been worn away. Mazatzal’s uniqueness is made even more obvious when it’s compared to the more typical, basaltic rock in the lower right of the image. david.j.desmarais@nasa.gov cell: 650-996-1431
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